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Mechanical Launcher in RHEL 7.9: “GLIBCXX” error

    • CMCsupport1

      Good afternoon,

      We have installed Ansys 2023 R2 in our Linux server and Cloud systems. We are running RHEL 7.9 in these environments. When starting the Mechanical launcher, using “launcher232”, we see the following error report:

      Traceback (most recent call last):

        File "/tools/ansys/ansys.2023r2/v232/commonfiles/launcherQt/source/", line 21, in from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QApplication, QWidget, QTabWidget, QFormLayout, QLineEdit, QLabel, QPushButton, QFileDialog, \

      ImportError: /tools/ansys/ansys.2023r2/v232/commonfiles/AAS/bin/linx64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by /tools/ansys/RedHawk/RedHawk_Linux64e7_V2023R2.1/lib/

      In the directory:


      … there is a softlink “” that points to a file “”, sitting next to it in the same directory.

      Using a "locate" command in a terminal, we see that our RHEL 7.9 OS has "" under /usr/lib, /usr/lib64 and one other path, and that /usr/lib is in our LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

      What must we do in order to direct the software to the “GLIBCXX” library? Please advise.



      CMC Microsystems Technical Support

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      1. Check the installation Guide for Prerequisites. Verify that they are installed.
      2. Add the ANSYS PATH to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

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