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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Measure total length Tube

    • paul pladet

      Is there an easy way to measure the max length of a tube that has been rotated? I do know of a way to get this information, but it takes a couple of steps and measure does not pick the maximum length. If there is no easier way, can this be added in a newer version?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You can select 2 entities like 2 points or 2 faces and it automatically gives distance at the bottom. 

      Or you can create planes at the desired locations and then measure distance between them. 



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      • paul pladet

        Hello Keyur,

        The box i made below is the workaround i used and i do know you can easily meassure this. Its the fact however that i even have to create a subsitute to meassure the tube whats the issue. It would be nice that i could meassure the total length of the tube without adding any geometry.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You just need 2 points. You can use Split option to split edges of that tube. Then select those 2 points and you will get the distance. 

      Please go through help manual for more details 



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    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      You can also use Move command to align geometry to global XYZ coordinate. Then select Measure and then select all using box selection. It will give x, y , z extends. 



    • paul pladet


      As shown in the image below, splitting the edges does not give me the correct total length:

      When i do use move i can ofcourse allign it to the XYZ and this would work, but lets say you have 50 tubes in a document. I'll have to do this 50 times, which takes a long time to do. it would be nicer if we could use Alt or so to allign the measure tool to the object.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Scripting might help here. But I am not scripting expert. Please open a new thread for scirpting and somebody will reply. 



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