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Marking the deck edge


    • Wira Setiawan Syafruddin


      I'm running ship motion simulation in Aqwa.
      Apart from the animation shown, is it possible to know whether the deck edge is immersed in time domain simulation result, specifically in global RX? 

      Thank you in advance for your answer.

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      Please define the upper deck by the non-diffraction panels. It may indicate the upper deck panes are out of water if the hydrodynamic pressures on those upper deck panels are zero.

    • Wira Setiawan Syafruddin

      Could you please explain how to define it step by step?

      Thank you

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      (1) Define the upper deck of the ship as the surface in Geometry which normal vector points upwards, together with other hull surfaces.  See 5.2. Attach Geometry (ansys.com)

      (2) Do the meshes in Aqwa Editor.

    • Wira Setiawan Syafruddin

      Thank you very much for your guidance.

      Please have a look the attached time domain pressure setting.
      Is it possible to export the result over the time domain, from start to finish time? Not at a specific point in time as shown below?

      Thank you

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      All the pressure results are written into a binary file with the extension name of .PRS in your project folder.  This file can be accessed by AqwaReader to get the panel pressureres at the required time step.  Please read AqwaReader manual for further instrunction.

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