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magnetic field profile changes with the same settings

    • adhanabal

       I am working on a 2D eddy current detector model using a permanent magnet and sensing coil. The magnet is set up using the material properties of an N52 magnet. The magnet and coil move along an aluminum sample that has various defects. The induced voltage on the sensing coil is has a nonreal offset at the start of the simulation. 

      2D Model: 

      Pink: Magnet

      Blue: Coil

      Gray: Aluminum 

      The magnetic profile seems to change depending on the defect present in the aluminum: 

      Profile 1:

      Profile 2: 

      Any help regarding why the field changes with the same material properties would be helpful, thanks!


      Also, why does the sensing coil have an offset induced voltage?

      Example of induced voltage initial offset: 



    • Mark Solveson
      Ansys Employee

      The initial offset could be due to a numerical transient with no initial conditions on the coil, and applying a instantaneous velocity to the target.  

      Please consider adding mesh operations to increase the mesh density and potentially improve the results and smoothness of the induced voltage plot.  

    • adhanabal

      Thanks for the insight Mark!


      The meshing options seem limited in the Electronics Desktop suite. Is there a module to work on meshing and then importing them to this model?

    • Mark Solveson
      Ansys Employee

      Mesh operations can be assigned to objects based on length On or Inside, which allows a density defined by length or number of elements.  This should be sufficient in this relatively simple geometry case.   

      Import of a mesh can be done if from another Maxwell solution, for example an Eddy Current solution could be created from the same geometry, solved with an adaptively refined mesh, and then Linked to the transient solution.  

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