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Magnet Demagnetisation and B field at each time step

    • sana ullah

      HI I am trying to find the demagnetisation in the magnets, do i have to use the demag_Coeff to find it out? Also I am finding it hard to find the B field at each time step, its showing only the B field at the last time step? What can i do to make the B field shown across the rotor and stator at each time step?

      Kind regards


    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator


      First, you need to set the demagnetization computations by clicking on Maxwell>Excitations>Set Magnetization Computation.
      Then, you can plot Demag_Coe by selecting objects, right-clicking them, and selecting Fields>Other>Demag_Coef.
      To visualize the fields at each time step, please enable the save fields option on the General tab of the Solve Setup dialog box.
    • sana ullah

      Dear Chinmay 

      Thank you very much for your help. I followed the following procedure for degmanization findings, you think its correct ?

      1) Maxwell2D--> Excitations --> Set Magnetization Computation --> Compute demagnetised operating points (pic shows how the options look like) 


      kind Regards



    • Chinmay T
      Forum Moderator

      Hello sana ullah,

      The option you have selected in the Set Magnetization Computation window is correct.


    • sana ullah

      Thank you very much Chinmay 


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