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LS-Dyna beam-solid shared node DOF

    • Fady Elshazly



      In the attached figrue, the beam and solid parts share the same node. When I merge this node it shows rotations due to the beam element. Is there any way to eliminate the rotational degrees of freedom to keeb the green angle always 90 degrees meaning to make this node has only 3 translational DOF .



    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      Few different options to try out:

      1. Try CONTACT_TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_BEAM_OFFSET, with the beam node on the tracked (SURFA) side, and the solid on the reference (SURFB) side.
      2. Extend the beam 1 or 2 elements into the solid either with shared nodes, or constrained using CONSTRAINED_BEAM_IN_SOLID
      3. Use a CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY over solid faces adjacent to the shared node. This will make a small portion of the solid surface rigid
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