TAGGED: transient-analysis
July 25, 2021 at 3:37 am
SubscriberHello everyone
i wish to do analysis on loosening of bolted joints due to dynamic transvers loading. Figure of experiment is attached.
the lower plate is fixed.
there is frictional less contact between both plates
the upper plate is activated by displacement
Actual thread profile.. and there is frictional contact between washer and upper plate.
result... I want to check decrease in bolt force vs number of cycle graph
can anyone tell me about the steps of analysis...
July 25, 2021 at 10:50 ampeteroznewman
SubscriberAre the images above from literature you have read and want to replicate? Please provide a link to the source.
What is the amplitude of the displacement? What is the frequency of the displacement?
July 28, 2021 at 5:52 amSoban
SubscriberI want to perform the analysis with the following data Cyclic transverse vibrations were simulated based on quasistatic assumption and dynamic processes with the
vibration frequency of 10 Hz
time of vibration 5 sec
amplitude of vibration is 0.05mm
pretension in bolt is 10 KN
Link of paper is "https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0954406217745337#:~:text=Finite%20element%20analysis%20has%20been,of%20bolted%20joints%20under%20vibration.&text=These%20influencing%20factors%20include%20preload,vibration%20parameter%2C%20and%20material%20model.
July 28, 2021 at 9:15 amSoban
SubscriberJuly 31, 2021 at 8:47 amSoban
Subscriberplease add a comment
July 31, 2021 at 1:38 pmpeteroznewman
SubscriberCreate or obtain the geometry of the two plates, two washers, two nuts and threaded rod. Create a cylindrical face at the center of the threaded rod to apply bolt pretension. As a first step, try to create a Static Structural model with all the correct frictional contacts, and see if the bolt pretension will converge. If you can't get it to converge in Static Structural, then you will have to do the bolt tightening in Explicit Dynamics.
August 2, 2021 at 9:55 amAmine Ben Hadj Ali
Ansys EmployeeI do not add a comment on something where I am not an expert or qualified enough.
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