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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Local Meshing

    • sabersarraf

      Dear colleagues,

      I have a question regarding to local mesh on a surface of solid body.

      In my problem, I would like to have local mesh refinement over the first layer under cylinder.

      A picture is shown for more illustration.


      I am wondering if you can send me your suggestion.


    • peteroznewman

      ANSYS staff are not permitted to open attachments, so please use the Insert Image button.

      Is that a separate surface from the solid?  Delete that. Are you using SpaceClaim? If so, just start a sketch on the top face of the top solid and draw that rectangle. The face will be split into two faces. You can then apply a sizing mesh control on that rectangular face.

    • sabersarraf

      Thanks for your prompt response.

      As you said I did it in spaceclaim and I have deleted the surface.

      Then I made a new sketch on first layer (Brown layer). When I open it into mechanical structure to generate mesh, it looks like a new surface.


      This new surface requires thickness. Actually, I would like to have mesh refinement inside this rectangle on brown layer not only on rectangular surface (green surface in bottom picture).

    • peteroznewman

      It doesn't look like you deleted the surface in SpaceClaim because I can see it in Mechanical.  You can suppress that in Mechanical.

      If the brown solid does not have a face in the shape of a rectangle, then you have not been successful in SpaceClaim. 

      The sequence is:

      • 1) Click the Sketch Tool

      • 2) Pick the Top face of the brown solid

      • 3) Draw a Rectangle

      • 4) Click the 3D button.

      The result should be the top face of the brown solid is split into two faces.


    • sabersarraf

      Thanks for your helpful answer.

      I have tried to use projection tool on spaceclaim. It was helpful to make mesh refinement.

      Now I have used Gasket mesh. I would like to increase mesh layers in each part.

      For example in bottom part (grey) there is only two layers of mesh. How I can increase the number of mesh layer by Gasket mesh.

      Thank in advance

    • peteroznewman

      Don't use Gasket mesh.  Use a Method = Sweep and you can define the number of elements in the sweep direction.  You can set the sweep direction be selecting the source faces.

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