LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Load curve error

    • Raghav

      Hello everyone, 

      I am doing high velocity impact analysis on ceramics where erosion card plays a significant role. I want to define Maximum principal strain at failure (MXEPS) but assigning it a particular value is showing error "load curve id 4 is undefined (Error 10141 (KEY+141) )".

      This is an unexpected error as i have not defined any load curve and has to define only a particular value to it (6 in this case).

      How can i solve this error? Am i defining this paramter in a wrong way?

    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Raghav,

      You are using MXEPS on *MAT_ADD_EROSION? How do you define MXEPS? If you define it as a negative number, LS-DYNA will expect a load curve number. There is more information in the LS-DYNA User Manual Vol II:

      LS-DYNA Materials Manual




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