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Linking Fluent Solution to Transient Solution – 2024R2

    • ashishkumar.gupta


      Is there any easy way to link the 2 results in one GUI so I can see the effect of fluid on my strutural component?

      Also, if I do not link, and just view the Structural results alone, it might still have the effects of the fluid ...right?



    • Rahul Mule
      Ansys Employee

      You can post-process the coupling results in Ensight (Both fluid and structural at a time): Postprocessing System Coupling's Co-Simulation Results (

      Yes, even if you post-process the individual participant separately, it will still have the effect of the other one.

    • ashishkumar.gupta

      Ohh u mean to say, I do not really need to use EnSight? 

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