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Ansys Innovation Courses

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Linear Stress Analysis in Ansys Mechanical Quiz 3 Question

    • belkaceme.bella.22

      I just had a question regarding one of the quizzes whereby the instruction pdf to prepare the simulation results states a 3mm mesh should be used for the entire part. However, when I do this, I get an error stating I had surpassed the numerical limit of nodes due to my license and so to go around this I ended up making some areas of the mesh finer than others depending on what I depict as critical regions. The simulation does end up solving however only when I select all 3 faces of the underside of the notch as frictionless supports to represent the belt being wrapped around, I end up getting a reaction force an order of magnitude greater than the applied load in the direction normal to the side faces of the notch which does seem to me that this is an invalid result. When I select only the top side of the notch, I get an error saying the model is under constrained however I had applied all the boundary conditions the instruction pdf mentions. Due to this, I am a bit confused and cannot proceed with finishing the course for this topic as this is my last quiz to solve. It would be much appreciated if assistance could be provided.

    • belkaceme.bella.22


      The simulation results for when one all 3 faces of the notch are selected are as follows:

      ted are the following:


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      Can you send the link to the course and the link to downlaod the models?

      All the best


    • belkaceme.bella.22


      I really appreciate the reply, the link for the course is as the following: https://innovationspace.ansys.com/certifications/courses/linear-stress-analysis-in-ansys-mechanical/. 

    • belkaceme.bella.22

      Also, the link for the folder containg the pdf instrcutions and the models is as follows: https://ansys13.ansys.com/AnsysInnovationCourses/MBU/Professional%20Certifications/Stress%20Analysis/Simulation%20Exercices/Simulation%20Exercise%20-%20LBC6.zip. Thank you so much!

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      As this is a paid certification I can not help here (so not a free AIS course, where we can advice) – I am sure if you follow exactly what the problem description says it is fine and runs as expected.
      (You have a pivot error in UZ - means you have not applied the sym. correctly or contact - see the forum for this type of error, and search for these errors in the forum)

      All the best



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