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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

Linear Induction Motor with Unreliable Thrust results.

    • Gio92597


      My team and I are designing a 2-core linear induction motor using ANSYS Maxwell, Transient simulations. So far, we have been unable to validate that our thrust outputs are correct. The team has been referring to a motor design found in this paper. The model found in this report has the following design parameters: 

    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @Gio92597 nWithin the guidelines to Ansys employee for supporting on the public forum like this, I cannot comment on any of the reference documents you provided - Determining the correctness of the document and reliability of the data is up to you. nWith that said what I can assist you with is, I can look at the screenshots provided by you and offer my comments.nLooking at the data provided by you - I suggest you do the following checks one after the other.nFlux density distribution in the plot you shared doesn't seem to be matching with the reference picture. Plot the flux lines and check if the pattern matches with the reference.nCheck the winding pattern and whether you are comparing the plots for the same excitation and operating conditions.n1) Does our procedure make sense?nRun the simulation at least for three source frequency cycles and timestep at least 50 divisions per cycle - Set the stop time = (1/Vfreq*3) and Timestep = (1/Vfreq/50)nHere, Vfreq is the supply voltage frequencynIf the problem didn't solve here.n3)Thoughts on replicating the velocity thrust curve or interpretation on the thrust results?n Verify the results - If force vs speed (velocity thrust curve) is following similar to the induction motor torque-speed plot.nFor this make the below changesnWinding voltage equations under excitations with a frequency variable as Phase A voltage = Vin*sin(2*pi*Vfreq*Time) and with 120 deg phase shift for the remaining phases (assuming 3 phase winding). Also, change frequency of voltage source to Vfreq in solution setupnand define the variable Trans_Speed in terms of slip and synchronous speed for the design.nNow perform a parametric simulation with slip varying from 0 to 1 (with smaller steps)nNow if you plot the force vs Trans_speed (you may need to do it manually) you should see the plot at least close to that of a standard induction motor.n2) Should we be moving the motor cores move instead of aluminum beam, and if so, how would we make the coils a solid body?nNot required, both the ways you should see the same result. In real life, it is the aluminum beam that's going to move. let's keep it as it is.n4) Further resources for linear induction motor Maxwell simulationsnI don't think there is any material available with me for linear induction motor Maxwell simulations that can be shared on a public forum like this. Though, the procedure for various steps for model setup (like material assignment, coil excitation, and boundary conditions) remains the same as any transient simulation setup in maxwell.nHope this helpsnnRegardsnNavyann
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