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Licensing error while opening ANSYS Mechanical

    • ashish35


      I have got hybrid product license pack for ANSYS 19.1.  Everything runs smooth with the software,  however, once in a while, I get a licensing error message saying "The shared license is not available to perform Geometry Attach operation" while trying to load up the imported geometry in ANSYS Mechanical. Once I get this error, I would not be able to open ANSYS Mechanical throughout the day. Would be really helpful if I get to run this feature throughout the license period without any obstruction.

      Thank you,


    • tsiriaks
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ashish,

      That error message would appear when there is another operation going on that won't allow the license to be shared , such as meshing or solving, etc. 

      Please check if there is such operation running anywhere.

      One remedy to this issue is to set to use a 'separate license' Note: This option should be used only if you have many tasks of a license. If you have only one task of each license, do not use this as this settings would consume more licenses, than the default setting to try to share the license.


      Try this 

      Close all ANSYS applications.

      Open CMD Prompt then use the following entire command including the quotation marks (but make sure to change your installation path accordingly)

      "C:Program FilesANSYS Incv191commonfilestoolswinx64ansyslm_relutil" -userprefs

      This should launch the 'License Preferences' GUI.

      On the bottom left, select 'Use a separate license for each application' > OK


      Thank you,


    • ashish35

      Dear Win,

      Thank you so much. This is resolved now.



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