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License suddenly fail when I’m using Icepak

    • yumin

      I was using IcePak last night, and suddenly IcePak couldn't work. When I opened it again, it gave me an error about the licensing error. I have tried to reread the license in license manager, and checked the information in license file, but still couldn't restart my license. Please help me with this issue ,thanks



    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      What is listed when yo uchoose View FlexNet Debug Log file:

    • yumin

      This is my FlexNet Debug Log file, thank you for replying

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Yumin,

      From the errors, it looks as though your license is expired.

      I would contact your Ansys Support Coordinator to download a new license.

      Best Regards,
      George Karnos
      ANSYS Inc.

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