We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
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Learning Hub Additive Courses Issue

    • Jack Devine

      It appears a Chinese Ansys Sound course was mistakenly placed in the new Additive Courses section, and the Additive Print introductury course is missing, which was present in the old Learning Hub. See screenshot below

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I think the technical term here is "oops". I'll let the team know. Thanks for point it out. 

    • Kaushal Vadnere
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Jack,

      This issue has now been fixed and you will not see the Ansys Sound course in the ALH - Additive building. Thanks a lot for making us aware of this.
      We are committed to providing high-quality products and customer service, and feedback like yours plays a crucial role in this process. Thanks again for being a valuable contributor to  AIS learning forum community.


      • Jack Devine

        Thanks for the update, I see that the Ansys Sound course was moved out of the Additive building. However, it seems that the Introduction to Additive Print course is still missing from the new Learning Hub. I attached two screenshots below of the old Learning Hub with the Additive Print course, which I found to be the most important of all courses included. Thank you for the help

        • Kaushal Vadnere
          Ansys Employee

          Hi Jack,

          Being obsolete, 'Intro to Ansys Additive Print' has been retired from the new ALH. However, existing courses in the new ALH represent the latest information. You can access this course and download course content on old ALH till 30th September. (PS: Old ALH will be shut down on 30th september 2024).

        • Jack Devine

          Thank you for the clarification, I'll mark the question as answered

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