Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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Launhing a solve to ANSYS cloud through CLI

    • elias piteros


      Does anybody know if can I use .k files  (from LS PrePost) to launch a solve through CLI (Command Line Interface) to Ansys Cloud?


    • igandiko
      Ansys Employee

      Please try below command and let me know if it worked.

      ansyscloudcli runlsdyna -i main.k --files main.k;car5.k -j "test_job" -q xxxxx_cloud_queue_xxxx –n 2  -m 24 --lstc-version "12.0.0"

      Here main.k is the main k file, car5.k is an include file, j= job name/id, -q is the queue name, n=nodes (2), m=cores (24), 12.0.0 is ls-dyna version R12.0. 

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