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Launcher 231 (2023R1) Linux Client License Preferences fails to launch

    • sprice

      Fresh install of Ansys 2023R1 for Linux. When I run the launcher, the "Run Client Settings Utility" option does not work. It complains about an executable that can't be found.  In the past we had to use this to correct user license preferences.


    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Sprice,

      Can you try these steps:
      1. Go to your install package manually extract the files in clclient
      2. There will be 2 folders commonfiles and licensingclient
      3. Copy licensing client and contents to \ANSYS Inc\v231
      4. The commonfiles directory contains a file ansyslm_relutil.exe in tools/lin64.  Copy ansyslm_relutil.exe to \ANSYS Inc\v231\commonfiles\tools\linx64

      Launch the application again

    • sprice

      Thanks for the response!  The files were already there and not any different.  I copied them anyway and still have the same error when trying "Run Client Settings Utility".



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