General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Lack of RAM

    • Adeleine Cabrera

      Hi. I'm doing a transient structural analysis (large deformation turned on) with results from transient thermal as a boundary condition. ANSYS stops analyzing after 2hrs (50% solved) because of lack of RAM.

      Can decreasing the number of substeps (on the time when the temperature is not high anymore) help in reducing the required RAM to solve?

      I have tried the structural analysis without transient thermal and the solution completes with no error.

    • Chandra Sekaran
      Ansys Employee

      What is the exact error message? Typically when there is not enough memory it is due to the size of the mesh but even then the solver will run out-of-core. Is this what you are seeing in the solve.out file (Solution information)? 

      If mesh size is the issue then reducing # of substeps won't help. You mention that without transient thermal the model runs. The transient thermal is a separate analysis, right? And you are specifying the times at which the temperature load from transient thermal should be applied to the structural, correct? If this is the case, the model should behave the same way with or without the thermal load.  Can you compare the solve.out from the 2 runs (one that runs and one that fails) to see what differences you see.

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