General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

    • Khalil

      Hi, I am doing structural analysis for stainless steel plate with thickness 0.3mm and height 150mm and width 350mm . the boundary conditions are fix support top and bottom ends and pressure 4 bar on one side and 2 bar on other side. when solve it i got the message

      (Element 219 located in Body "Solid" (and maybe other elements) has become highly distorted.  You may select the offending object and/or geometry via RMB on this warning in the Messages window.  Excessive distortion of elements is usually a symptom indicating the need for corrective action elsewhere.  Try incrementing the load more slowly (increase the number of substeps or decrease the time step size).  You may need to improve your mesh to obtain elements with better aspect ratios.  Also consider the behavior of materials, contact pairs, and/or constraint equations.  If this message appears in the first iteration of first substep, be sure to perform element shape checking. Named Selections for the offending element can be created via the Identify Element Violations property on the Solution Information Object.)  


      could you help me please?.

    • Khalil

    • Khalil

      when i increase plate  thickness to 0.5mm the solution becomes OK.

    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee

      What analysis settings are you using? Can you post snapshots?

      See this article and this section from the help.

    • Khalil

    • Khalil

      thank you for your reply.

    • Khalil


      i changed the analysis setting but i got not logical results ?

    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee

      • Turn on Large deflection

      • Are you using non-linear materials?

      • What does the force-convergence look like and are you requesting the newton-raphson residuals?

      • Also, It looks like the simulation has converged? Are you using true scale to visualize?

    • Khalil


      *OK i turn Large deflection on

      *I am using structural steel.

      *i attached force-convergence , yes i requested .

      *yes it converged, yes true scale 1.0.

      * the stress value is still not logic 2225.7MPa for only 2 bar? 

    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee

      I am not allowed to download models on the community. But if you attach your archive file, someone on the community might be able to take a look.

      To me, based on that image, It looks like the high stress is an edge effect.

      Generic Comment: I would recommend you to upgrade to the latest version. Also, we provide a series of verification examples in the manual. You can test a case there to see if you are observing the validated result:

    • Khalil

      thank you for reply. I attached the archive file.

    • Khalil

      any more help?

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