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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Journal File Error

    • ae22b001

      I'm trying to run a transient simulation using fluent on the cluster. 
      This is the journal file that I'm using:

      /file/read-case t1.cas
      /file/read-data t1.dat
      /solve/dual-time-iterate 40000 20 
      /file/wcd t1end.cas

      But when the simulation finished, it did not write the final case and data file and I got the following error:

      I tried the simulation again, but this time with 10 timesteps instead of 40,000 to save time, and in this case it worked and wrote the final case and data files. Why is this error happening? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That may IT side. If you're running on a queue is there a time limit, or disc space? The only potential issue is you're writing a "classic" case file, and the solver might be trying to write .cas.h5 but that should just give an odd filename rather than an error. 

      • ae22b001

        There is a time limit but I didn't exceed it. But in that run in the end I did get 2 empty files "fluent-5-error" and "fluent-6-error". But I have no idea what went wrong as the files are empty and nothing showed up in the transcript.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Did the last ASCII file write OK? Assuming you used autosave too, try running on from the last data set. If the error repeats at the same flow time, it's something happening in the model and you can post images so we can look at them. 

      • ae22b001

        Yes the last ASCII file is okay and also, right before writing the ascii file I autosaved the data and case file as well (so no data was lost). So i don't think its a problem with the model.

        But I should have added that i was trying to save pictures frequently, but added the -g tag in fluent (so no graphics) which did cause errors during the run. but not sure if that's related.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If there's no GUI then images won't work as there's nothing to save. That will explain the earlier errors. 

      There's also nothing in the transcript even mentioning the last command, so it's failed on the /file command without reading it - easier to see with the more complete transcript. As autosave & execute commands are working it's looking more like an IT/hardware issue; not something I can diagnose from the Fluent files. 

      • ae22b001

        Ok, thank you, might have been a one-time issue I think since this has never happened to me before. Luckily the autosave saved right before the end.

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