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Topics related to Lumerical and more.

Issue with Resource Configuration After Lumerical Update to 2024R2.3

    • l76124262

      Dear Lumerical Support Team,

      I recently updated my Lumerical software to version 2024 V2.3, and I encountered an issue where my computation resources were reset.

      Previously, we typically launched Lumerical on the host machine and connected to pdl2 and pdl3 workstations to utilize their computational resources. However, after the update, I attempted to reconfigure the computation resources, but I encountered problems that now restrict me to using only localhost for computations.

      (I have confirmed that I can successfully connect to pdl2 from the Linux terminal on localhost using ssh command.)

      Could you please help me on how to resolve this issue and restore the ability to utilize pdl2 and pdl3 for computations?


    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Subscriber,

      Please double-check that you have set everything up according to the following recommendations:
      Running simulations with MPI on Linux – Ansys Optics.

      Best regards,

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