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Issue with MagFlux Magnetostatic Report in ANSYS Maxwell

    • jksince1996



      In ANSYS Maxwell, I have created a 3D model and can successfully plot several parameters. However, when I add MagFlux as an additional plot, the simulation errors out towards the end and comes back with error reporting info (it says save data or else info will be lost, etc, must close). How do I go about this problem?


      Also, I tried clearing all cache and lock files and restarted the software and still encountered the same problem during further attempts.




    • DELI
      Ansys Employee
      can you provide more information about this simulation? which solver are you using? which version Maxwell are you using? could you provide screenshots of the error message window?
      • jksince1996


        I realized that I was using magnetostatics rather than transient as intended for my transformer model, which likely caused my error. Thanks anyways!


        EDIT: Please see my next response, having issues still


    • jksince1996



      Info: I’m modeling a single-phase transformer in an air domain. It has a ferrite core, copper windings, and a plastic bobbin. The current excitation is AC with a frequency of 200 kHz and an amplitude of 75 A. I’ve defined a mesh for the core and one for the windings.

      Version: Ansys Electronics Desktop 2023 R1

      Solver: Transient

      I am now unable to plot several quantities such as inductance and field overlays such as the B field, etc. Loss plots show up. So do design plots. Winding plots other than inductance such as flux linkage show up too. The order of magnitude of some of the quantities are off too.

      How can this be resolved? Thanks!



      • DELI
        Ansys Employee

        Inductance calculation in Transient needs be turned on in Design setting. Top menu bar--> Maxwell 2D->Design settings...->matrix computation->check "enable"->resolve the simulation.

        • jksince1996

          Thank you. Everything seems to be working now.



      Sir, I am also using the same version of Ansys 2023 R1 electronics software. 

      During magnetostatic analysis, I want to plot the magflux vs phase current rectangular plot. but the magflux option not showing in my rectangular plot.

      please resolve this issue.


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