TAGGED: import-source
September 14, 2022 at 8:42 amU Abinash PatroSubscriber
When I am trying to import a radially polarised source(generated the .MAT file from a code I got in lumerical website) using the import source option , Initially I am able to visualise the distribution of electric field vectors just after impoting the data , but when I try to apply and ok while setting up the simulation and running it, I am unable to get any electric field data. Can anyone can comment regarding this?
September 14, 2022 at 9:10 pmGuilin SunAnsys Employee
Do you want to get the importd source data, or want to visualize the source data? Do you find any result in other monitor? Please make sure you save it correctly. you can close the import tab and reopen, then visualize the data to see if it is normal.
September 15, 2022 at 5:30 amU Abinash PatroSubscriber
First I import the source and visualise it, everything seems fine i.e; I can see the electric field vectors in a radially outward way for a radially polarized source. Now just after clicking 'OK' for saving the data in the simulation, I reopened the source properties and clicked on visualise the data but it is showing source not imported.
Also after I run the simulation, I tried to see monitor data and there the electric field was 0.
September 15, 2022 at 4:23 pmGuilin SunAnsys Employee
I believe you need to update the FDTD version to the newest 2022R2.2.
I tested and did not find any issue regarding to the source import.
You may need to have a clean installation: https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/5613618572947-Fixing-installation-or-license-activation-issues
clear all related folders, including hidden folders, restart your computer, reinstall, and test again.
September 14, 2023 at 4:54 amBinbin NieSubscriber
I met the same issue. I wonder if the problem has been solved. If yes, may I know the solution ?
September 14, 2023 at 3:57 pmGuilin SunAnsys Employee
Please follow the previous suggestion.Â
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