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IR2110 gate driver model in ansys simplorer 2022.R1

    • pradhan.5


      I was just checking out ir2110 in-built model provided in simplorer. When checking out low side voltage from LO pin, the result are correct, however the high side floating output across HO and Vs when seen on a voltmeter fetches no results. M I missing someting, is the model correct, or are there some other issues i am missing out on. Kindly let me know. This would be a big help.




    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, I tested IR2110 example on 2022R1, both Vg_hi and Vg_lo have results.

      What does it look at your end? Could you provide a screenshot?

      Which build do you have? Help->About Ansys Electromagnetics Desktop->pop up window. what is the build date and time?

    • pradhan.5

      Hi MirandaH,

      I have just changed the voltmeter "Vg_hi" which was connected with reference to the ground in the in-built example. I have connected across HO and Vs so that I could see pulsating 15V on both LO and HO outputs. The same works with spice simulator like LTspice but here it is not showing as u can see below in attached file. Am I missing something? Kindly suggest. 


    • pradhan.5

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        Hi, the voltage between HO and VS is about 13.2V from this report.

    • pradhan.5

      This is the result when voltmeter "Vg_hi" is referenced with respect to ground. It is floating around some 24 to 28 volts with lot of transients as in screenshot below.

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        If you place a volt meter between Vs and ground, you will see similiar shape waveform. Vhi_to_vs is about 13.2V.

    • pradhan.5

      Hi MirandaH,


      Any updates on my query? 




    • pradhan.5

      Hi MirandaH,

      I could see Vhi_to_vs is about 13.2V as u mentioned. My question is why it is not a pulsating signal like Vg_Lo rather it is a flat line? Spice simulation shows both high side and low side output as pulsating signals with respect to what frequency we have set up.




    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee

      Hi SP, both Vhi to ground and Vs to ground are pulsating signals with respect to frequency, voltage between hi and vs is a flat line because those pulses canceled out.

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