Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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iostream error

    • ray1989

      I was able to open the dat flies yesterday. Today it's showing this error.

      Error: Unable to open D:/PHD/Thesis chapter s/Inclination chapter/Eccentric tube/Charging/Right_eccentric/Mesh_independence/312948_elements/HPC/D_PHDThesis chapter sInclination chapterOnly vertical modelEccentric tube3D_eccentric_horizontal_filesdp0FFF-5FluentFFF-5.1-10-3600.dat.h5 for reading.: iostream stream error

      Error Object: #f

      Could anyone please suggest how to resolve the issue?


      Alok Ray

    • Karthik Remella
      Hello Do you have any special characters (such as $ or ' etc.) used in the folder names? If so, could you please rename your folders and try again?
    • ray1989
      No. I don't have any special character in the folder name.

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      What happens if you shorten the name of everything..
      Use D:\PHD\Test
      and shorten the name of the file from D_PHDThesis chapter sInclination chapterOnly vertical modelEccentric tube3D_eccentric_horizontal_filesdp0FFF-5FluentFFF-5.1-10-3600.dat.h5
      to test.dat.h5
    • ray1989
      It worked. Thank you
    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      You are Welcome!
    • SY


      Maybe this will help others. I did get the same error message but could just fix it by deactivating the usage of CFF-File-Format using the command line 

      ”file/cff-files? no”. See also: Fluent 2020R1 > Fluent User’s Guide > 3.3.4. Reading and Writing Files in the Legacy Format


      Context: I had an old simulation with 40 time steps that was simulated using ANSYS Fluent 2020R1 and the results were saved as .cas.gz and .dat.gz . When I tried to extend the calculation for 40 more time steps in a newer Version or even in ANSYS Fluent 2020R1 Fluent tries to use the .cas.h5 and .dat.h5 formats. This can be suppressed with the command above for the present Session only or also for future Sessions via the preferences, see User’s Guide entry above. Now, the extended calculation saves every time step in the old/legacy format, without error messages.

      This is also helpful, because I can now use CFD-Post to have it read all time steps and generate Animation sequences from it. The features that Fluent offers are not sufficient in my case.


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