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Inverted Pyramid Structured

    • Kawshik Nath

      How can i draw this type of inverted pyramid structure in Lumerical fdtd. The structure is given below.

    • Afroditi Petropoulou
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Kawshik,

      Thank you for contacting us!

      If I understand correctly, this is a substrate with etched material in pyramid shape. This means that the material of the pyramids is air. If this is the case then you can create a new structure group where you will define the substrate by inserting a rectangle and an array of pyramids. The material of the pyramids should be set to etch.

      An example of such a structure group is the following:

      The x_span and y_span parameters are the x and y length of the base of each pyramid. The z_span is the pyramid height. The x_period and y_period is the number of pyramids in the x and y direction.

      The x_span_rect, y_span_rect and z_span_rect are the dimensions of the substrate.

      After inserting these parameters in the "Properties" tab, you can add the following script in the "Script" tab:



      for (i=1:y_period) {

        for (j=1:x_period) {




         set("x span bottom",x_span);

         set("x span top",0);

         set("y span bottom",y_span);

         set("y span top",0);

         set("z span",z_span);





      set("x span",x_span_rect);

      set("y span",y_span_rect);

      set("z min",-z_span/2);

      set("z max",-z_span/2+z_span_rect);


      You can also add an index monitor to check the results.


      Best Regards,


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