

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

invalid keypoint selected for mesh refinement

    • nwood99


      I am trying to implement a moving mesh. See the attached picture for reference. In this simple geometry, I want to refine the mesh about an arbitrary point on the top edge. In this application, the location is keypoint 7, but it could be anywhere on the top edge, including the corners. My ultimate goal is to have the refinement location sweep over the top edge, producing a sequence of meshes which I can use for my work. Since the location of refinement is not guaranteed to coincide with any node in the mesh, I thought to define the mesh refinement locus as a keypoint in the geometry and use KREFINE. However, as the picture demonstrates, this command fails. Even if I use the GUI to associate the keypoint with the line (modeling -> create -> keypoints -> on Line w/Ratio), and then use the GUI to refine at the keypoint (Meshing -> Modify Mesh -> Refine At -> Keypoints), the command still fails. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. What do I have to associate with this keypoint so that I can refine the mesh at it? Am I approaching the problem incorrectly? My thanks for any clarification that can be provided!

    • Rahul Kumbhar
      Ansys Employee
      Try using refinement level in the krefine command such as KREFINE,loc_num, , ,5,3
    • nwood99
      Rkumbar After reviewing your comment, I've found some commands that accomplish my goal quite readily. For 2D meshes, the LDIV command creates a keypoint that's associated with the mesh and thus allows me to refine at the point I wish. For 3D meshes, creating hardpoints lets me command the mesh to refine at an arbitrary spot by forcing a node to be created at that spot (which you can then refine about). Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
    • Rahul Kumbhar
      Ansys Employee
      Thanks for sharing your solution !
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