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installing Ansys nCode 2022

    • Ajith Annavajhula


      To concerned official,
      I am Ajith Annavajhula having Academic version of Ansys 2022 R2 workbench edition and wanted to add Design Life add-on to it, even though I got the link for downloading the file, I proceeded to downloaded the file and could not get the exact .wbex file to added in to the workbench.So can you provide me the file name that needed to add and what will be the next step
    • VJ
      Ansys Employee


      Where did you get the package from? If it is from the customer portal, there should be only one .wbex file when you extract it.

      Launch Workbench > Extensions > Install Extensions > browse and open the .wbex file.

      Workbench > Extensions > ACT Start Page > Manage Extensions > Locate 'MechanicalEmbeddedDesLife' and choose 'Load as default'


      Relaunch Workbench and you should see the nCode Design Life modules in WB.

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