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Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Installation error: SC Workbench PlugIn ….. Not Configured

    • pedroaum

      Hi, the installation presented the following problem:

      SC Workbench PlugIn ..... Not Configured

      I'm attaching the log files.

      I tried to install it multiple times, without success.

      Could you give me some direction?

      Thank you in advance.


      Pedro Aum

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Hello Pedro,
      Did you extract the zip file to a temporary directory?
      When running Setup.exe, did you right click and choose more->run as administrator?
      If not, please do so.
    • pedroaum
      Thank you for your answer Karnos.
      yes, I extract the files.
      Yes, I ran the setup choosing "as administrator".
      All installation looks concluded with exception of the workbench that doesn't appear installed. So I cannot open the workbench.
      "SC Workbench PlugIn ..... Not Configured"

    • CHOUI

      Conditions préalables ..... Configuration réussie

      SC Workbench PlugIn ..... Configuration réussie

      Discovery Workbench Plugin ..... Non configuré

      Les associations de fichiers ont été effectuées.

      Installation achevée, avec avertissements/erreurs. Examiner tous fichiers .err ou .log dans :

      D:ANSYS IncANSYS Student

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you try installing on C: There have been a few problems installing elsewhere with the Student version.

    • JFTG

      I´m having the same issue as Pedroaum when trying to import a geometry from Inventor, it says "Discovery Workbench Plugin ..... Not Configured


      What can I do in this case?

      Thank you.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      JFTG with Student, or a University build of the software?

    • Nikhil Sai Kurakula


      Could you resolve this problem which is occuring while installing

      Problem : - " Discovery Workbench PlugIn...... Not Configured"

      • Yingwen Weng

        Hi, I also face the problem "Discovery Workbench Plugin ..... Not Configured". Do you know how to fix it?

    • Roy Ramadhin

      Hi, Is this issue solved? I have tried several times to install Ansys V212, but get the same error SC Workbench .... Not Configured. And cannot import .scdoc files in workbench.

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