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Installation 404

    • Michael Weiner

      I have been trying to install Ansys on our HPC using the AnsysInstaller.sh script, which starts up appropriately, asks me to log in, firefox starts up and i can log in, then i get a 404, as in the image below:


      Image preview

      And the installer fails at that point


    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Michael,

      Please attach the screenshot of the error again, it did not load.

    • Michael Weiner

      Image preview

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Michael,

      It looks like the default TCP port 8080 is probably being blocked somehow on your network.  If the you are able to identify a port number that is not reserved by any other application running on your network, you can direct the installer to use that port number for logging in.  For example, if you have TCP port 50000 open on your network, yoy could use the following command line to login by communicating over that port(If needed, get help from your IT.):

      "AnsysInstaller.exe" -login_port 50000

      May I know from AnsysInstaller which package would you be using? If it's only 1 single package then you can download packages from primary packages section.



    • Michael Weiner

      Blocking a localhost port is not something we do, so that is a little confusing. As for the package, i believe all i need is Fluid.

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Michael,

      select release, select OS and download package.

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