General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Insert a Force VS Length graph in ansys

    • Gina

      How can I insert a function or a material behavior in ANSYS workbench? 


    • peteroznewman

      More context please.  A full description of what you want to do.  A sketch can be helpful.

    • Gina

      I attached a pdf file that contain a full description of what I am trying to do.



      Thank you for your time and considerations.

    • peteroznewman

      Read up on a COMBIN39 element in the ANSYS Help system.

      It has the ability to create the Force vs Length graph you show.

      I think you will be better off using the digitized values and not the fitted curve.

      I don't know how you will generate the force as a function of velocity.

      Does anyone else have an idea?

    • Gina

      I am only familiar with ANSYS workbench, so is there any way to do it without using APDL?

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