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Inquiry Regarding LES Initialization in FLUENT 24R1

    • 455266651


      I am a graduate student who primarily uses Ansys FLUENT.

      I would like to conduct an LES simulation.

      Based on publicly available materials I found on Google (Quick Guide to Setting Up LES-type simulations, Version 1.4, May 2016), I would like to initialize my LES simulation using RANS steady-state results.

      According to the reference, the following TUI command can be used for this setup: /solve/initialize/init-instantaneous-vel

      However, in the version of FLUENT I am using (24R1), I cannot find init-instantaneous-vel under the /solve/initialize menu.

      Check the related post, the new version is updated to /solve/init-turb-vel-fluctuations , but I have not yet found it.

      Could you please explain how I can perform unsteady initialization in this case?

      Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you check you've got LES set? If you're still using a RANS model the menu's may not be available. 

    • 455266651

      I found that my command was disabled. Why is that?

    • 455266651

      There is no such command in LES or RANS

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What models are on, and how well converged is the flow?


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