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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

“Input file too small!” Animation error in Fluent

    • Tiziano

      Hi! I've a big problem and I can't find the solution anywhere.

      I am simulating sneeze in a 3D room and trying to create animations of particle diameter, temperature, velocity magnitude, etc.

      I am applying the animations through: Results --> Animation --> Solution Playback

      When the simulation finishes and I try to playback the animation to write the mpeg, I get this error:

      "mpeg_encode param1"



      TIME STARTED: Wed Jan 19 16:07:07 2022

      MACHINE: unknown

      FIRST FILE: C:UsersUTENTEDesktopsimulazionisimulazioni_filesdp0FFFFluent\./animation-particle-velocity-magnitude_1_0000.ppm

      LAST FILE: C:UsersUTENTEDesktopsimulazionisimulazioni_filesdp0FFFFluent\./animation-particle-velocity-magnitude_1_0049.ppm

      PATTERN: i

      GOP_SIZE: 12


      RANGE: +/-8




      QSCALE: 8 8 8


      Input file too small! (????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)

      Removing frame files ... done.

      I've checked the .cxa file in the directory but it seems all correct and in the directory I see the .mpeg file but it is 0 Kb.

      How can I solve the problem?

      Thank you for the help!

    • Nikhil Narale

      To answer your question, we may need more information. Can you please share additional details:
      1: Share the screenshot from .cxa file (Just few starting lines would do)
      2: Share the screenshot of the 'Animation Definition' window (make sure to select the 'animation object' which is problematic)

      FYI, irrespective of what 'Storage Type' you select in the 'Animation Definition', fluent will convert them to .ppm format (having size much smaller than other formats) while saving the video. Error message, you shared, says 'input file too small'. Having said that, can you try to simulate further and create the video again? Just a thought!
      Please share the details.

    • Tiziano
      Hi Nikhil, thank you for your reply, it is very important for me in order to fix this problem!
      To be clear this error was not there until a few days ago, only in the last 3/4 days it appears every time i try to save a video, very strange.
      I've made another simulation but the error occurred again,. I've here the screenshot you requested.
      Thank you very much for your help!

    • Nikhil Narale

      If the same settings were working previously, then it looks like there might be some issue with the fluent file. As per my knowledge, the saved .hsf files are not linked with the .cas and .dat file, so you can try opening a new blank fluent session (do not load any .cas or .dat file) and read those .hsf files from the folder directory and create video from the Animations -> Playback.

      Let me know if this works.

    • Tiziano
      Hello, I will try!
      Two days ago I tried to redo the simulation from scratch in a new folder: I rebuilt the geometry, redid the mesh and reset the settings from scratch but unfortunately the error reappeared :(
      I keep you updated, thanks!

    • Tiziano
      Hi Nikhil, thank you for your reply, it is very important for me in order to fix this problem!
      To be clear this error was not there until a few days ago, only in the last 3/4 days it appears every time i try to save a video, very strange.
      I've made another simulation but the error occurred again,. I've here the screenshot you requested.
      Thank you very much for your help!

    • Tiziano
      Hi Nikhil, thank you for your reply, it is very important for me in order to fix this problem!
      To be clear this error was not there until a few days ago, only in the last 3/4 days it appears every time i try to save a video, very strange.
      I've made another simulation but the error occurred again,. I've here the screenshot you requested.
      Thank you very much for your help!

    • Tiziano
      Hi Nikhil, thank you for your reply, it is very important for me in order to fix this problem!
      To be clear this error was not there until a few days ago, only in the last 3/4 days it appears every time i try to save a video, very strange.
      I've made another simulation but the error occurred again,. I've here the screenshot you requested.
      Thank you very much for your help!

    • Tiziano
      Hi Nikhil, thank you for your reply, it is very important for me in order to fix this problem!
      To be clear this error was not there until a few days ago, only in the last 3/4 days it appears every time i try to save a video, very strange.
      I've made another simulation but the error occurred again,. I've here the screenshot you requested.
      Thank you very much for your help!
    • Nikhil Narale

      From the error message you encountered, it says 'FIRST FILE:C:\Users\UTENTE\Desktop\simulazioni\simulazioni_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\\./animation-particle-velocity-magnitude_1_0000.ppm'. If you observe the error message, the animation playback is reading 'particle-velocity-magnitude' files for creating the video.
      On the other hand, from the screenshots of 'Animation Definition', it looks like you have created animation files of 'particle-diameter'. Please make sure to select correct Animation Sequence while creating video.

    • Tiziano
      Hi I was wrong to insert the correct screenshot but the error happens with all videos, both particle diameter and velocity magnitude.
      I haven't found the solution yet :(

      Thank you Tiziano
    • Tiziano
      Hi I was wrong to insert the correct screenshot but the error happens with all videos, both particle diameter and particle velocity magnitude and the others too.
      I can't find a solution :(

    • Nikhil Narale

      This looks like a bug which is resolved in the latest versions. Which version are you using?
      Also try using the latest version of the Ansys fluent. If that is not possible, the workaround would be to try saving the images with different size resolutions.

      • Ivan Kološ

        I am using newest Fluent 2023 R2, acad. vers. and I can confirm that the bug is still unsolved.

        I have screen resolution 2560 x 1440 and attempt to write video leads to error "Input file too small! (??????) Removing frame files ... done."

        After changing resolution to lower 1920 x 1200 is video created as expected.

        Please, report this error to developers to solve it as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!


    • Tomohiro KOBAYASHI


      I searched this issue because I was struggling with the same problem today, and just solved now.
      Please try to change the resolution of your PC screen setting, for example to FHD (1920 x 1080) or lower, and write a video file from Playback.
      In my case, this worked.


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