

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Inner Mesh

    • RCamp

      Hi all,

      I am working on developing a mesh for a Fluent simulation. I have attached a picture below and as can be seen the surface mesh seems pretty uniform however, I am new to CFD and am curious if the inner mesh looks acceptable? It seems rather messy to my beginners eye. Additionally, I would really like to make the inner region of the column mesh finer compared to the outer region, is that possible?

      Thank you.

    • raul.raghav

       See the youtube tutorial attached below. It shows multiple ways of meshing a cylindrical geometry.

      Inflation Meshing

      ANSYS MESHING - Multizone + Inflation

    • RCamp

      After looking at those resources I am trying to perform the inflation face-edge technique and keep getting a "mesh failing to initialize" error message. Any ideas of why this would be happening?

    • raul.raghav
      Delete the “Patch Conforming Method” under “Mesh”.
    • RCamp

       I tried this and am still having the same issue. The only time it will run is when I have the patch conforming on but then the inflation is not doing anything.

    • raul.raghav

      Does your geometry consist of multiple cylinders?

    • RCamp

      I don't have a picture of the geometry handy but here is a streamline to help visualize. It's one cylinder but at the top it as a small nozzle region in the center that extends into the column for a few centimeters. It can vaguely be seen in the image below. 

      Global Range Streamlines


    • Rahul Kumbhar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Rcamp,

      Insert sweep mesh method for the body and select inflation scoped face as a 'Source' face in the mesh method.



    • raul.raghav

      You can also use Multizone+Inflation to create a good quality mesh. Look at the attached video tutorial for reference.

      Multizone + Inflation

      If you can provide a cross-sectional view (XY or ZY planes) of your geometry, we would be able to guide you better.

    • RCamp

      I tried the sweep method and it resulted in the same error. Here is a couple views of the geometry. Thank you.






    • RCamp

      Again I am trying to make the core of this column's mesh finer. Is there a way to do that? All I can find is how inflation is used to make the mesh directly below the surface finer and this doesn't help me. 





    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can select surfaces in mesh and right-click to add a local sizing. I'd also look at the shape and decide if all of the features are needed as you need to resolve anything you include in the model to see their effect on the flow. 

    • RCamp

      Is it possible to local size changes within the mesh and not just on the surface?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, but you'd need to split a volume out to do this (or use a Body of Influence). Read up on volume decomposition. 

    • HarishKolla


      can you suggest sources to get  proper knowledge on meshing  

    • peteroznewman

      Harish, this discussion is marked as Solved.  Please post a New Discussion to ask questions. Did you try looking in the Tutorials listed in the site categories?

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