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Initializing species data using CGNS

    • nithinnm12345

      I have a cgns file with species and velocity data. I am trying to initialize a fluent case with this. The number of nodes and the coordinates all match. When I import the file into fluent, only the velocity data gets initialized and I don't get any errors. Is there any way I can initialize the species data as well?

    • Karthik Remella
      Hello That's weird! How are you initializing your case using this CGNS file? Would you be able to use a different file format? Have you tried using the Fluent data file (just as a test)?
    • nithinnm12345
      Hi Kremella, reading in a Fluent .dat or .hd5 file works normally.

    • Karthik Remella
      Glad that works. I'm not sure what's happening with the CGNS file. Can you share a screenshot of how you are exporting and reading the CGNS file?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Why CGNS and not a Fluent Interpolation file?
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