

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Initial condition from another simulation

    • Alberto


      It is possible to use the .dat and .cas files from the last saved timestep and use as initial condition for a new simulation ? Also if the mesh is changed ?


      Many thanks in advance

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      yes you can read .cas and .dat files together and run from there. You can also read a .dat file on a new mesh, as long as this new mesh has the same topology as the previous mesh, i.e. same zones, etc.

      • Federico
        Ansys Employee

        Fluent will interpolate/extrapolate the data between nodes, depending if your new mesh is finer/coarser.

    • Alberto

      Many thanks, yes I want to change the size of the computational domain in order to elongate it, so the mesh will change but the zones no. 


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