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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Increasing the interval between ticks in CFDPost

    • scabo


      I want to increase the interval between the ticks in CFDPost (fluent results). I have set the number of contours to 16, so it is creating a lot of data ticks on the legend, but i want around 4. But it is not working like that. How can i reduce the number of ticks on CFDPost Legend without reducing the number of contours? any help is appreciated , thanks!

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Hi scabo,

      Actually, you can edit the Legend to have just 4 ticks. In the legend settings, you can find the option to edit the Value ticks. You can set this as 4. But this will not be applicable for contours. It is applicable for others like vectors, streamlines etc. 

      The workaround is to create contour and also vector plot on the same surface. Now right click on vectors and Insert a new legend. In this legend specify the ticks. Specify the vector variable range same as that of contour. Now turn off the Default legend and vector. Now you have contour having a legend with just 4 value ticks.


    • scabo

      I think that works thanks very much.

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