General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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In Transient Structure,Rayleigh Damping Affect Longitudinal Damping of Springs?

    • o77441100

      Dear ANSYS Support Team,

      I am currently performing a transient structural analysis using Rayleigh Damping, and I would like to clarify whether the Rayleigh Damping settings influence the damping coefficient values specified for connection springs. Specifically, I would like to know if the Rayleigh Damping settings in Damping Controls affect or override the damping coefficients applied to springs in the connection properties.

      This clarification is particularly important for me as I am looking to optimize my system by adjusting the damping values of the springs. Therefore, I hope to ensure that these values remain accurate and are not affected by other parameters.

      Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to your response.

      Best regards,


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      See the chapter in the help manual (structural dynamics section) on damping.

      (Go to Structural Analysis Guide and chapter 1.2 Damping - or just search for damping)

      That explains it well.

      Also perhaps some of our courses are helpfull here.

      (we have courses on dyanamics and damping).

      All the best



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