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in hfss 3d layout, how circuit components links cap connect to pcb geometry?

    • 673755156

      in hfss 3d layout, how S parameter models and spice models connect to circuit components like caps?

      In my see,circuit component is a 3D geometry,but S parameter models and spice models 's port is a point.how the 3D geometry connect to a point?

    • Tony Donisi
      Ansys Employee
    • Tony Donisi
      Ansys Employee

      There are many ways to add components/s-parameters/spice files to and HFSS layout design.  A component can be created and linked to an s-par/spice file, or it can be added under circuit elements.  Please check out the help under adding components.  Spice files at the moment are limited to ones containg only RLC componnets, and s-parameters must be passive.

      If you woould like to discuss further with a demo, please fill out a support case and we will be glad to walk you through it. 



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