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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

implicit solution problem

    • kseyksey039
      I tried using implicit solution on flow forming but it didn't converge successfully and ended up with an error, what happens




    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee


      I noticed you have negative volume errors in about 20 elements. These errors in LS-DYNA usually occur when elements become excessively distorted during a simulation, leading to inversion and negative volume calculations. This can cause the solver to terminate if not addressed. Given the high strain rates in your flow forming simulation, I recommend the following adjustments:

      1. Mesh Density: Adjust the mesh density.
      2. TSSFAC (Time Step Scale Factor): In *CONTROL_TERMINATION, a higher time step means higher loads, leading to higher strain and distortions. Controlling this might help.
      3. ELFORM: Avoid fully integrated  brick element formulations; use 1-point Tetra element integrations for large distortions.
      4. Material Plasticity: Ensure the material properly captures plasticity and consider using mesh adaptivity.
      5. ERODE=1: Set ERODE=1 in *CONTROL_TIMESTEP or PSFAIL in *CONTROL_SOLID to delete highly distorted elements and obtain a solution.
      6. Hourglass Controls: Use better hourglass controls to avoid hourglass modes.
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