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Icepak Transient simulation

    • bsanchezgon


      A have to continue a transient simulation from a steady state. In this new simulation some components have a time dependency power dissipation. I know a can check de option Transient in thermal block and apply differents function or data. 

      The simulation must last 900 seconds and I have the the cycle of the power which is 2 seconds, For instance: 

      0s 1 W

      0.5s 15W

      1s 26W

      1.5s 5W

      2s 0.65W

      2.5s 1W

      ans so on...


      Is there any way to repeat this cycle for every 2 seconds? I would like to add data for n seconds and simulate during X seconds and don`t calculate it every time I do a simulation.


    • Iceman
      Ansys Employee
      Hi, There is no built-in function to support arbitrary cycle. You can use piecewise linear with a dataset for this. The dataset can be imported with .tab format. You can easily create this dataset in Excel and copy it as .tab format. Thanks.
      • bsanchezgon

        That is what I am currently doing 


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