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Icepak thermal equilibrium just Radiation in Vacuum

    • Christopher Vogt


      I want to model an object that is fully in vacuum. 
      There are heat sources inside the object, so to reach thermal equilibrium, only Radiation can carry away the heat to reach thermal equilibrium.
      For simplicity, here is a schematic view of the problem:

      For another simulation I learned to model vacuum by defining a fluidic object with very low thermal conductivity and very high specific heat.
      A "Block" boundary condition is then defined on the vacuum object to fix the flow velocity to zero.

      If I do that, steady state with solution type "Temperature and Flow" and "Discrete Ordinates", the model does not seem to converge.

      Is there another way to accurately model such a Radiation-only problem?
      Thank you!

      Best regards,

    • Pdev
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Christopher, 
      Please find the attached link, this might help out. 


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