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Icepak solution convergence

    • kss


      I am doing a MCU controller simulation in icepak. Heat generation values getting from electronics departments. Heat is input as Watts and forced convection with 5m/s. Walls given as stationary wall and the it has to run for 120Sec at peak current. Temperature limit of MOSFET is 85°C. But in 10 sec it reach more than 100°C.  Heat flow path checked, It is proper but this weird temeprature is coming.

      PCB dimension 210x190mm2. Total heat loss is 12.7*18=228W. Loss per swith=12.7W and total switch=18.

      Note:The continuity residual comes down only 10^-1

    • Chunhui Zhang
      Ansys Employee

      Please submit a ticket to get the model checked. There could be many reasons that contributing to the high temperature, like the how PCB is modeled, meshing, physics, etc. Thanks.

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