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IcePak simple package on PCB

    • linh.dang


      I am doing a simple package on pcb just to understand if my setups are correct.  However my temperature field are way off.  What are the reasons my temp is so high?  


      Conditions are as below:

      Network Junction powers are 10W and 5W for large and small respectively. 

      Rjc and Rjb are all 1C/W.

      StationaryWall thickness is 0,  "Temperature" external condition 


    • Pdev
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Linh, 
      Thanks for reaching out. I would recommend the following,

      1- Review the convergence curves 

      2- Ensure the model has reached Steady state by having monitor points

      3- Mesh needs to be good.

      4- Review the component's dimesions 

      5- Try in a natural convection set up to see if you are seeing a similar behavior. 


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