

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

ICEM CFD Hybrid Mesh Merging

    • tim13

      I have been trying to create mesh on a 3D train using both structured and unstructured mesh in ICEM CFD. I'm planning to create a structured mesh on its body and unstructured mesh for the underbody parts (bogie, cowcatcher, etc).

      I sucessfully created the structured mesh for the train body by splitting the blocks, associating the vertex to point, and vertex to edge. However, I don't have any idea on creating the unstructured mesh for its underbody part. I have tried meshing the underbody parts as well as its "interface" surface using the octree tetrahedral, save it, and then reopen it to be joined with the hexahedral mesh of the train body that I generated using the blocking method. The problem came when I was trying to merge the hexahedral and tetrahedral mesh, it showed an error message:

      I am trying to include edge 9181 9187 but vertex 9181 isn't even in the region 1
      error including edge 9181 9187

      could not include quad

      Can anyone suggest me on how to do this hybrid mesh of a structured upper body train and unstructured underbody train?
      Thanks in advance.

      I attached some images too for a clearer desc.

      The Isometric view of the model

      Train underbody parts
      Train Underbody Parts Mesh 2D


      The side view of the train
      The Result that I want (merged tetra for underbody and hexa for the rest of them)

      Regards, Tim

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      As ANSYS staff, we can not download attachments. Please insert images and point out the exact problem. 




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    • tim13

      I edited the post to add some images, looking forward to your answers. Thanks.


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      What is 'Train Underbody Parts Mesh 2D'? Is it 2D?

      ICEMCFD can connect/merge hex and tet mesh.


      When you say 'merge', do you want to connect mesh? I am not mechanical guy, but I think you can have disconnected mesh which you can run in ANSYS structural by defining contacts. 




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