

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

ICEM CFD – Hexa mesh of a tapered wing with sharp trailing edge

    • venkyvenkatesh374

      Dear All., I would need assistance with this meshing issue. Basically am creating an hexa mesh in ICEM CFD of a tapered wing with sharp trailing edge. 

      After premesh when I check the quality am getting angle <18deg, which means a negative volume elements there. 

      I tried refining the mesh size, changing the blocking approach, but nothing seems to be working at the sharp corner. Saw few youtube videos and in all the videos they haven't shown the quality and haven't exported to fluent.

      I've attached few snips for better understanding, any help would be really appreciated.  Thank you.


    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Try to move the left vertices towards te leading edge. Also try to split the blocks near the leading edge to capture the curve appropriately.

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