July 27, 2024 at 7:49 amJhoel.BayotSubscriber   Date: 07/27/2024   Time: 15:34:39   ___________________________________________________   |                          |   | LS-DYNA, A Program for Nonlinear Dynamic     |   | Analysis of Structures in Three Dimensions    |   | Date  : 07/28/2023  Time: 16:45:29      |   | Version : smp d R13               |   | Revision: R13.1.1-27-g8731a0d8c5         |   |                          |   | Features enabled in this version:        |   |  Shared Memory Parallel             |   |  CESE CHEMISTRY EM ICFD STOCHASTIC_PARTICLES  |   |  FFTW (multi-dimensional FFTW Library)     |   |  ARPACK (nonsymmetric eigensolver library)   |   |  ANSYSLIC enabled                |   |                          |   | Licensed to:                   |   |                          |   | Platform  : WINDOWS X64 SSE2          |   | OS Level  : Windows 8/10 & Srv 2016/2019/2022  |   | Compiler  : Intel Fortran XE 2019 MSVC++ 2019  |   | Hostname  : LAPTOP-V8BSQJ4F           |   | Precision : Double precision (I8R8)       |   |                          |   | Unauthorized use infringes Ansys Inc. copyrights |   |___________________________________________________|Â[license/error] *** ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR ***[license/error] Request name dyna does not exist in the licensing pool.[license/error] No valid FLEXlm servers specified.[license/error] Licensing mode "ANSYS LSDYNA" failed on feature "dyna". Undoing partial checkout. Student license active; 36 days remaning. Executing with ANSYS license Command line options: i=C:\Users\JHOELW~1\Desktop\ANSYS\AIRBAG\21-7~1.PRO            ncpu=1            memory=20m Input file: C:\Users\JHOELW~1\Desktop\ANSYS\AIRBAG\21-7~1.PRO The native file format    : 64-bit small endian Memory size from command line:  20000000 on UNIX computers note the following change: ctrl-c interrupts ls-dyna and prompts for a sense switch. type the desired sense switch: sw1., sw2., etc. to continue the execution. ls-dyna will respond as explained in the users manual  type           response  -----  ------------------------------------------------------------  quit  ls-dyna terminates.  stop  ls-dyna terminates.  sw1.  a restart file is written and ls-dyna terminates.  sw2.  ls-dyna responds with time and cycle numbers.  sw3.  a restart file is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.  sw4.  a plot state is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.  swa.  ls-dyna flushes all output i/o buffers.  swb.  a dynain is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.  swc.  a restart and dynain are written and ls-dyna continues calculations.  swd.  a restart and dynain are written and ls-dyna terminates.  swe.  stop dynamic relaxation just as though convergence  endtime=time change the termination time  lpri  toggle implicit lin. alg. solver output on/off.  nlpr  toggle implicit nonlinear solver output on/off.  iter  toggle implicit output to d3iter database on/off.  prof  output timing data to messag and continue.  conv  force implicit nonlinear convergence for current time step.  ttrm  terminate implicit time step, reduce time step, retry time step.  rtrm  terminate implicit at end of current time step. ******** notice ******** notice ******** notice ******** *                              * * This is the LS-DYNA Finite Element code.          * *                              * * Neither LST nor the authors assume any responsibility for * * the validity, accuracy, or applicability of any results  * * obtained from this system. Users must verify their own   * * results.                          * *                              * * LST endeavors to make the LS-DYNA code as complete,    * * accurate and easy to use as possible.           * * Suggestions and comments are welcomed. Please report any * * errors encountered in either the documentation or results * * immediately to LST through your site focus.        * *                              * * Copyright (C) 1990-2022                  * * by Ansys, Inc.                       * * All rights reserved                    * *                              * ******** notice ******** notice ******** notice ******** *** Beginning to read structured input file *** *** Error 20001 (STR+1)   input error found in structured input   reading 1st control card   line number 2 contains improperly formatted data **************************************** line# 2 This problem may be solved by using long=s option. Z@ÇÜê"2 E r r o r  t e r m i n a t i o n               07/27/24 15:34:40 Memory required to complete solution  :    0 Additional dynamically allocated memory:  1976K                  Total:  1976K T i m i n g  i n f o r m a t i o n            CPU(seconds)  %CPU Clock(seconds) %Clock ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- T o t a l s      1.0000E+00 100.00   1.0000E+00 100.00 Problem time    =  0.0000E+00 Problem cycle   =     0 Total CPU time   =     1 seconds (  0 hours 0 minutes 1 seconds) CPU time per zone cycle =     0.000 picoseconds Clock time per zone cycle=*************** picoseconds Number of CPU's  1 NLQ used/max   136/ 136 Start time  07/27/2024 15:34:40 End time   07/27/2024 15:34:40 Elapsed time    0 second for    0 cycles using 1 SMP thread       (   0 hour  0 minute  0 second ) E r r o r  t e r m i n a t i o n               07/27/24 15:34:40ÂPress any key to continue . . .
July 29, 2024 at 9:02 pmGeorge KarnosAnsys Employee
Do you have the Student version and commercial version installed on the same machine?
July 31, 2024 at 6:20 amJhoel.BayotSubscriber
No, I dont have. I only have student versions for mechanical and dyna.
July 31, 2024 at 12:29 pmGeorge KarnosAnsys Employee
What is your Workflow?
How are you starting the job?
It will not run from inside Workbench. LS-DYNA must be run directly from the LS-DYNA Start Menu.
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