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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Hyperelastic Materical

    • thapa.2

      Hi, I am trying to simulate deformation of a hemispherical microstructure of dimension 0.3 mm dia, placed over a 0.1 mm thick PI substrate, under uniform pressure. But the results I obtained show maximum deformation on the edge of the structure when it should be on the contact tip and the PI substrate. The stress however is maximum on the contact interface only.

      Materials: Hemisphere- PDMS, Base-PI

      Contact- Frictional-Solid to Solid

      Mesh- Patch conforming method (tetrahedrons)

      Boundary conditions-
      Lower base- Fixed
      Uniform normal pressure on the hemisphere top surface with Displacement on Y and Z axis

      Please help.

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee


      Instead of checking total deformation try checking for total strain in particular directions, that should give you meaningfull results.

      The total deformation here is giving max on the outer ends because those elements in the edge of structure have no proper reaction whereas the tip has full reaction from the base (which is why the deformation is 0, so it is actually behaving properly). So deformation is not the proper tool to judge the physical behaviour here.

      Let me know if you need more help.


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