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Hydrogen-diesel Combustion mechanism

    • Usman

      Dear Team,

      I hope this message finds you well. I am working on CFD modelling of Hydrogen-Diesel engine using Forte. I merged GRI MECH mechanism and nheptane mechanism for hydrogen-diesel combustion using chemkin. However, transport file give following error:

      While having this error, simulations work fine. Could you please let me know whether the results using this mechanism are reliable? Your suggestions will be highly appreciated.

      Many thanks!

    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Usman:

      Among the Forte output files, there should be some text files that show the preprocessing diagnostics.

        If you go over these you will see the errors that were issued. 

      Sometimes these are just warnings.  If you were able to run the simulation, things are probably ok.  Most serious errors will prevent the simulation from proceeding.

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