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Hydro-thermo-structural analysis

    • paaulocz


      I am working with fluid-thermal-structural analysis and would like to learn about the most suitable workflow in Workbench. In fluid-structure FSI analysis with strong coupling (two-way coupled), the most common approach is:

      However, in my solid domain, I have heat flux and pressure as external loads, so I imagine it is necessary to also use the thermal module. In this case, would it be more appropriate to use something like: Fluent + Coupled Field (thermal-structural) + System Coupling?

      Thank you in advance!

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Yes, as you need pass both structural and thermal data. Using Fluent-Coupled Field transient coupling with System Coupling would be more appropriate workflow.

      You can refer user guide for more information: Supported Coupling Participants for System Coupling in Workbench ( 

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